For 20 years I’ve been holding space for groups of people to do their personal work, be that through movement, music & deep conversations navigating life’s experiences.

For 30 years I’ve been creating environments for individual’s to sift through their emotions, providing a safe place to feel what is arising within them & find meaning in the changes they are navigating.

I was born into this work.

After several decades of working with Yogis, Healers, Medicine Men, Medicine Women, Shamans, Sages, Therapists, Psychiatrists, Doctors, Coaches, Teachers and world class Guides…

I offer my presence to you, supporting you in:
-Creating Safe Environments to FEEL
-Excavating Past Trauma
-Breaking the Loops that keep you STUCK in Old Patterns
-Taking Personal Responsibility for the Reality You Create
-Acquiring Internal Tools for Navigating Life
-Noticing the setups for how you got HERE
-Setting Yourself up to Get what you Really Want

Emotional Guidance:
$100-$400 an Hour

If you want guidance for emotional processes, excavating past trauma & acquiring internal tools for navigating life, this is for you.


If you sincerely want this offering & finances are very difficult right now, email me about scholarships + how you can pay it forward.